Tuesday, October 1, 2024

News and Notes and Broadcast Assignments by Rudy Martzke (Sept 26-30)


Top analysis: Westwood One's Phil Simms shares that the NYG are rotating at least 3 players each play to 1) keep their players fresh and 2) keep the Cowboys D off balance by having new attackers needing different coverage. It tires out the D much sooner.

Top analysis: Westwood One's Phil Simms shares the main reason for going for s 52 yd FG rather a 4th Down attempt is it gives your team an early lead and helps the offense build confidence more than 0 points would.

Top analysis: Westwood One's Phil Simms shares that what makes a #1 receiver isn't necessarily their yardage production, but it is their ability to get open by making their defenders get lost in circles.

Oops Award: Westwood One's Phil Simms accidentally said Dak Prescott has had massive success over the last 12 gms at Giants Stadium. He meant last 12 gms total (home and road), but he specified Giants Stadium. Tonight is only Dak's 8th gm against the Giants in New Jersey.

Top stat: Westwood One's Ian Eagle shared that since Dak Prescott missed his 1st pass attempt, he completed 14 straight passes for 164 yds and 2 TD's.

Funniest exchange: Westwood One 
Ian: "I really wanted to call a 50 yard FG attempt. I didn't want a punt." 
Phil: "That's ok. Now everyone knows your selfish and your mentality."

Funniest line: Prime’s Al Michaels, after the boo birds wanting the Giants to go for it on 4th, “If you listen to the fans, you'll be sitting up there with them.” Michaels, of course, is quoting the  famous Buddy Ryan line.

Top analysis: Westwood One's Phil Simms shares that it's an unusual night designed for passing attacks because there's no wind, little humidity, and it's warm making passing accurately and catching easier overall.

Betting line: Prime’s Al Michaels, w/Cowboys up 20-15, as Aubrey attempts a FG. “So, as it looks right now. I think a lot of people are very happy that there will be field goal attempt right here, and others not so happy. And you do know what I mean.” Cowboys were favored -5-5

Strongest comment: Fox Sports Tim Brando, on Rutgers RB Kyle Monangai, “He the best running back the country knows the least about. You know about him now on Friday Night Lights!”

Top reporting: Fox Sports Josh Sims shared that when a play breaks down because of poor communication, the QB no longer has to feel frustrated trying to figure what went wrong. Instead the tablet on the sideline allows them to review immediately and discuss.

Announcer’s Jinx Award: Fox Sports Tim Brando, telling viewers that Washington K Grady Gross had only missed 1 field goal all season, Gross immediately kicks it wide left.

Funniest comment: Fox Sports Tim Brando, "Can you believe the Tigers have 86 wins and are contending for the playoffs? I believe that's because of Benetti. His calls have completely turned them around."

Tog nugget: Fox Sports Tim Brando noting that Rutgers doesn’t have Penn State, Michigan, or Ohio State on its schedule.

Funniest line: Fox Sports Devin Gardner. "Look at Strong take flight. He knows he can't get the 1st without doing so. He's singing I Believe I Can Fly."

Top analysis: Fox Sports Devin Gardner points out that Washington's D stacking the box is shutting down Rutgers run, but it's also forcing short passes because you can't predict who will blitz every play.

Funniest exchange: Fox Sports Mike Hill, goes back to booth with, “How down you do?” Gardner jokes.” Did you tell him he could do that?  Brando quips, “I’m not one of those Prima donna play by play types!” Gardner chides, “Do I not have to ask anymore & bust it out at any time?”

Top analysis: Fox Sports Devin Gardner shares the main reason for getting a tall 6' 3" receiver is because you always target them in the redzone. They always have the ability to go up, snatch the ball, and make a play.

Best line: Fox Sports Tim Brando, on Rutgers RB Kyle Monangai. “Just because a guy plays at a school that not a brand name in the sport of college football doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve attention. This Rutgers program doesn’t have many opportunities to have eyeballs upon them.”

Top production: Fox Sports capturing  a shot on the Washington sidelines of QB Will Rogers, with no helmet on head butting his receiver Denzel Boston.

Top observation: Fox Sports Devin Gardner pointing out that Rutgers TE Kenny Fletcher dropped the ball because he misplaced his hands and in that position you want your hands over the top and not under.

Best line: ESPN’s Andre Ware, as Cam Ward  escapes a  near sack to get loose and throw a short toss to get  down to the 3 yard line, “If there is a trip to New York in his future, which I have to believe it is, a play like this is one to come up over and over.”

Worst moment: ESPN’s rules expert Matt Austin is not giving an opinion of a TD call in Virginia Tech/Miami game on final play of game for the win by VA  Tech. Rules experts cannot be wishy washy during times like these moments.

Throw Under the Bus Award: Fox Sports Tim Brando and Devin Gardner puzzled on why a replay is going on w/11 seconds turns to rules expert Mike Pereira. Pereira says he knows one thing.  I would get the clock operator & get him out of the stadium. He’s made a number of mistakes.

Best feature: ESPN, on Alabama fan, Tommy Ray. Ray has attended an astonishing 663 straight games Alabama games that started 52 years ago. Ray had met every Alabama coach since 1972 except Nick Saban. Ray meet Saban on set today on College Gameday.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Robert Smith shares the way a team rebounds is you make sure you have a good week of practice and don't have the same team from the week before appear again. If the same miscues occur, then you've planned on how to rebound.

Top reporting: Fox Sports Robert Smith shared that BYU QB Jake Retzlaff is having a good season because he's begun to realize a QB will always make mistake. He realizes you can't let them bring you down. He knows you just need to move past them.

Top stat: ESPN’s Sean McDonough noting  Kentucky Head Coach Mark Stoops is one of only 19 coaches who have been at an SEC school for 12 years or more.

Top call: Fox Sports Alex Faust, "The sign of a good team is they don't necessarily have to gain a lot of yards. Instead they capitalize on any mistake made and turn it into their advantage."

Top stat: Fox Sports Alex Faust, "BYU is 0-10 in their last 10 starts before 3:30 PM. However the early 14-0 lead shows that the situation is always able to change."

Top analysis: Fox Sports Robert Smith shares that a disadvantage of quick tempo is that when you go for it on 4th Down you haven't always checked open lane run throughs. Failure to do so leads to a tackle for loss and a turnover on downs.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Robert Smith shares an advantage to having two receivers in the same area is it makes the defense hesitant on coverage because they don't want to leave either open, but their unsure who they should focus on.

Funniest line: ABC’s Sean McDonough quips, after telling viewers the Kentucky punter played at another school last season,  “If you haven’t played for at least 2 teams at this point you’re not well traveled.”

Top insight: Fox Sports Alex Faust, "A huge disadvantage to an incomplete pass on 1st Down and a short run on 2nd Down is it makes it 3rd and long. It's very difficult to rebounds and complete."

Top reporting: Fox Sports Jenny Taft sharing with viewers that Minnesota has a tradition when they play an away game. They bring a little bit of their turf and sprinkle it on the field.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Robert Smith, "Baylor's D seems to be unable to react. They're starting late and suffering paralysis by over analysis. It's a real mental battle."

ESPN’s rules expert Matt Austin continues being wishy washy on calls. A clear Kentucky TD was under review w/receiver catching ball in the endzone & has 3 steps in endzone w/full control. Austin wasn’t decisive calling it a TD. He mentions possession when player was on the ground.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Robert Smith shares that the biggest problem dealing with young players is teaching them to deal with the blows. They must learn to put things off when it goes against their nature.

ESPN’s rules expert Matt Austin is at it again. He initially called an incompletion during Ole Miss/Kentucky. Sean McDonough asks, “Even with the football move and fumble?”  Austin changes his mind to a fumble to agree with McDonough. It is ruled a fumble.

Best observation: Fox Sports Joel Klatt noting that Minnesota is playing its safeties too far back allowing a Michigan run game.

Worthless Scoreboard Award: ABC scorebug  didn’t allow viewers to see the placement and hold of Ole Miss's FG attempt in the last minute. The scoreboard is outdated.

Top reporting: ESPN’s Katie George doing a master interview with Hugh Freeze and asking them so Freeze couldn’t wiggle out with a cliche answer.

Best timing Award: ESPN's Dave Pasch called a 75 yard TD pass from Arkansas QB Green to TeSlaa two parts after mentioning Arkansas used a triple headed monster of Green, Jackson, & TeSlaa.

Top observation: ESPN's Dave Pasch pointed out that in the 1st Qtr A&M QB Reed seemed to freeze up when 15 seconds were left on the play clock, the exact time that headset communication cuts off. 

Top stat: ESPN's Dave Pasch pointed out that because ESPN didn't have every SEC timeslot, the 2024 Georgia/Alabama game was the first one to air on ESPN networks in 16 years, the last being in 2008. 

Top analysis: ESPN's Dusty Dvoracek pointed out that careful film studio leads to placing defensive players in positions they normally wouldn't be. It oftentimes leads to more turnovers. 

Top reporting: ESPN's Dave Pasch points out that A&M RB Reed has been compared to Allen Iverson because his runs on 1st Down oftentimes break down the defense and make 3rd Downs short. 

Top reporting: ESPN's Taylor McGregor reports that A&M's Travis Williams moved from the booth to the field so he could look his players in the eyes during the game, but it has also allowed his enthusiasm to be shared with the players throughout. 

Funniest comment: After Taylor McGregor asked Arkansas HC Sam Pittman what he wanted his team to address after the 1st Quarter and got a lengthy response, Dave Pasch quipped, "That might be a record response. It was a full Pittman podcast." 

Top analysis: ESPN's Dusty Dvoracek points out that the disadvantage to a 3-man rush is it gives the QB additional time and usually results in a receiver getting open for a 1st Down because there's too much time for the D to fully cover them. 

Funniest exchange: When coming back from commercial and showing footage at the Texas State Fair, Dusty Dvoracek said. "Stop drooling at that cherry pie over there Dusty." Dusty came back and quipped, "Are you kidding? For me it's all about the funnel cakes." 

Top reporting: ESPN's Dave Pasch shared one of the reasons coaches use the transfer portal is because they're looking for older youth to bring in and help develop the potential young stars. 

Top stat: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler pointing out that UCF has only 1 sack this season.

Top comment: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler, "We saw lightning before the game, and it's led to offensive explosions. 14-7 Colorado after 1."

Best information: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler shared that with 131 yds rushing in the 1st Qtr, the Buffaloes are doing something they haven't all season- keeping S. Sanders safe and his jersey clean while putting UCF in an early hole.

Best info: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler telling viewers the two heaviest FBS QB’s are DJ Uiagalelei at 255 LBS and KJ Jefferson 247 LBS.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Brock Huard shared that what makes Colorado's D difficult to analyze is inconsistencies. At times they look like they're getting run over, but at times they always make the big play to keep their team in the game.

Best Timing Award: Fox Sports Brock Huard, "UCF has 8 rushing TD's this season."
Kugler, "Speaking of it's Jefferson. He's around the end! He's barreling in. Touchdown Knights!"

Best moment: ABC’s Katie George asks Auburn Head Coach Hugh Freeze if he was going for it on 4th and inches. Freeze tells her, Yes.”  They do and get a 1st down and next play a touchdown.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Brock Huard shares the key to pull an upset when your D is outmatched by the opponent is be unrelenting every play. Don't ever give them a chance to adjust to your game style.

Best line: ABC’s Nick Saban quios, after Rece Davis told viewers that Gameday was going to Cal next week. “ The last time I’ve been to Cal was to workout Aaron Rodgers.”

Top reporting: NBC's Todd Blackledge shares that even though there was a tarp on Penn State's field until the afternoon, the rain that came after the tarp was removed has made the field very slippery.

Top analysis: NBC's Todd Blackledge shares the key to stopping an explosive pass is always keep them in front of you. It makes passes short and prevents most 1st Downs. Unfortunately it sometimes leaves you open to big runs.

Worst Timing Award: NBC's Noah Eagle pointed out Illinois had scored on 36 straight redzone possessions, the longest in FBS when the Illinois made it to the 2. After a series of penalties and losses Illinois missed a 49 yd FG 3 plays after Noah mentioned the stat.

Top reporting: ESPN's Brian Custer shared that an apparent injury to Cincinnati RB Corey Kiner hurts the offense because it makes them 1 dimensional and forces them to pass. It allows Tech to stack the D and possibly force more turnovers.

Oops Award: ESPN's Brian Custer, after pointing out Cincinnati was 3/6 on 3rd Downs said it was also 3rd and 6. It was actually 3rd and 4.

Best Timing Award: ESPN's Brian Custer, on a 3rd and 4, said Pryor, if he got the ball would be aiming to redeem himself after fumbling last series. The handoff went to Pryor, and he scrambled for 36 yards.

Top analysis: CBS' Tiki Barber shared that the screen is a unique play because it can create plays if you get the correct timing, but it requires the QB to wait, thereby causing more danger in terms of sacks.

Top analysis: CBS' Tiki Barber shares what makes CJ Stroud so unique at QB is he does have the ability to scramble, but his first instinct is not to run when he avoids tackles. Instead he's always looking down the field and analyzing what the most yardage will come from. Running is the last option.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Tom Brady points out that the Bucs are difficult to project because they're planning a different scheme each week. They aren't just relying on what's successful. They're looking for ways to improve.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Jonathan Vilma shares what causes most defenses to give up big plays is they forget to focus on the QB and focus solely on the receiver. Keeping an eye on the QB allows them instead to move in the pass lane and force a bataway.

Top analysis: CBS' Charles Davis shares that because Aaron Rodgers isn't a scrambling QB, it allows Denver to bring the D in closer and tighten up passing lanes that could cause more incompletions.

Top analysis: CBS' Charles Davis shares that one of the reasons Bo Nix won the starting job is because he had 61 starts in college. It made the Broncos feel he wasn't a rookie.

Top statement: Fox's Chris Myers, "What makes Jayden Daniels so unique is he has all that mobility, but he also shoulders a sense of responsibility. He ignores his success and only tries to inspire."

Top analysis: Fox's Mark Sanchez shares that when a WR block crumbles at the line, it will always lead to a TFL. WR's are always meant to be down the field, so they don't get as much practice at the line, making them the most vulnerable.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Daryl Johnston shared that the main culprit for Cincinnati's 0 for start has been a lack of defensive penetration. The lack of pressure has allowed QB's to pick and choose the best way to decimate the Bengals D and has mostly read to TD's instead of punts, FG's, or turnovers.

Top stat: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler shared that on their first offensive possession the Panthers targeted 7 different receivers. This wide spread tires out the D easier because they can't focus on any 1 receiver. Instead they're forced into 1-on-1 showdowns where they're outmatched.

Top analysis: Fox Sports Kevin Kugler pointed out the hardest thing about benching a young QB is that you then have to ask exactly how to develop the young QB when they don't get actual game speed experiences.

Top reporting: Fox Sports Laura Okmin shared that even though the Bengals have started 0-3, the enthusiasm of Joe Burrow has kept most of them from questioning themselves and allowed the team overall to focus on the positives.

Worst move: Golf Channels Bob Papa’s contract wasn’t renewed. Today starts his last college assignment for Golf Channel. Papa’s decade long run as the voice of NCAA golf will come to an end. Papa won’t be on the sidelines long. He will land quickly & a huge mistake by the suits

Best line: ESPN’s Karl Ravech, “The Mets are doing to the Braves what the Brewers did to the Mets. Mets have scored 6 runs in the 8th inning after trailing 3-0.

Top analysis: ESPN's Chris Fowler shares that the main difference between Tua and Titans QB Will Levis is Tua comes out with unwavering swagger while Levis is still trying to figure out how to avoid stress.

Top analysis: ESPN's Dan Orlovsky shares that because the league eers on the side of protecting the QB, you must always be careful when a field is wet. Even if you slip and make unintentional contact it'll likely be called against you.

Top analysis: ESPN's Louis Riddick shared that the most common play after a team has crossed midfield on a 1st Down is some sort of screen pass. The attempt is made to test the D and see any potential weak coverage areas.

ESPN’s rules analyst Jerry Bergmann muddled throw the touching of the ball simultaneously. In the same explanation he contradicted himself. First he said Titans get the ball then changed it to the Dolphins. Dolphins received the call after replay review.

Top analysis: ABC's Troy Aikman shared that a hurry-up offense is a disadvantage when you play quick tempo because you can play 3 downs in less than 30 seconds. If you fail to get a 1st, you'll always end up giving your opponent another chance.

Top reporting: ABC's Joe Buck shares that while you used to be required to extend the quarter by a play when a defensive penalty occurs, the offense now has the option of declining the penalty and ending the half. Doing do prevents additional penalties and turnovers.

ESPN will have the longtime voice of the SEC Dave Neal, the Black Mamba Aaron Murray, and Ashley ShahAhmadi on the call of Texas State/Troy. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 3 at 7:30pm on ESPNU.

ESPN will have the terrific tandem of Anish Shroff, Andre Ware, and Paul Carcaterra on Houston/TCU. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 4 at 7:30pm ET on ESPN.

Fox Sports will have returning baseball star broadcaster Jason Benetti, Brock Huard, and Allison Williams on the call of Michigan State/Oregon. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 4 at 9pm ET on Fox.

It's a broadcast debut when Trent Rush joins Petros Papadakis for the broadcast of a Friday night fight between Syracuse/UNLV. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 4 at 9pm ET on FS1.

Eli Gold's Friday Night Gridiron Radio Network package premieres this week with Syracuse/UNLV. Former coach Jared Petrino and Chris Chapman join him on the call.

ESPN will have the voice of the cardiac ending Joe Tessitore, the ace SEC Network analyst Jordan Rodgers, and Stormy Buonantony on the call of Missouri/Texas A&M. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at High Noon on ABC.

ESPN will air SMU/Louisville Oct 5 at High Noon on ESPN. Due to Bob Wischusen being in London for the Jets, the broadcast team is still TBA.

ESPN will have Roy Philpott, Sam Acho, and Auburn's greatest hidden secret- reporter Taylor Davis on the call of Pitt/North Carolina. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at High Noon on ESPN2.

ESPN will have Courtney Lyle and the detective who has an eye on the ball Rene Ingoglia on the call of Army West Point/Tulsa. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at High Noon on ESPNU.

ESPN will have ESPNLA’s finest Jorge Sedano, Orlando Franklin, and Morgan Uber on the call Boston College/Virginia. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at High Noon on ACC Network.

It's back to basics for Fox's Big Noon Saturday as Gus Johnson, Joel Klatt, & Jenny Taft will call UCLA/Penn State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at High Noon on FOX.

ESPN will have the longtime voice of LHN Lowell Galindo, Fozzy Whittaker, and Smacker Miles on the call of Tulane/UAB. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 1pm ET on ESPN+.

ESPN will have Jason Ross Jr. and Tyoka Jackson on the call of Western Michigan/Ball State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 2pm ET on ESPN+.

ESPN will have "The Man Who Always Listens to Know What to Say" Sean McDonough, the QB whose analysis slices smoothly like a knife through bread Greg McElroy, and Molly McGrath on the call of Auburn/Georgia. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ABC.

ESPN will have Arizona’s finest Dave Pasch, Stoops-Era All Name team member Dusty Dvoracek, and newly promoted Taylor McGregor on the call of Ole Miss/South Carolina. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ESPN.

ESPN will have Matt Schumacker and Dustin Fox on the call of East Carolina/Charlotte. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ESPNU.

ESPN will have Chris Cotter, the Mark Herzlich, and Coley Harvey on the call of Virginia Tech/Stanford. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ACC Network.

ESPN will have Anthony Lima and Ryan Cavanaugh on the call of Bowling Green/Akron. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ESPN+.

ESPN will have Michael Reghi and Marcus Ray on the call of Miami (OH)/Toledo. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 3:30pm ET on ESPN+.

ESPN will feature the Mike Monaco, Kirk Morrison, and Dawn Davenport call of West Virginia/Oklahoma State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 4pm ET on ESPN2.

Fox Sports will have Alex Faust and Robert Smith head to Lincoln to call Rutgers/Nebraska. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 4pm ET on FS1.

ESPN will have Tom Hart, the impeccable film study teacher Cole Cubelic, and Alyssa Lang on the call of Alabama/Vanderbilt. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 4:15pm ET on SEC Network.

ESPN will have Mark Jones, "Rowdy" Roddy Jones, and the goalie who knows the best ways to make a save Quint Kessenich on the call of Clemson/Florida State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 7pm ET on ESPN.

ESPN will have Darien High alumn ace Jay Alter and the boy who doesn't want to grow up Rocky Boiman on the call of James Madison/ULM. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 7pm ET on ESPNU.

Fox Sports will have Eric Collins and Spencer Tillman on the call of a Pac-12 preview: Utah State/Boise State. Coverage is scheduled Oct 5 at 7pm ET on FS2.

ESPN's has two NFL announcers in Chris Fowler and Amazon's Kirk Herbstreit join Salt Lake's greatest hidden secret Holly Rowe on the call of Tennessee/Arkansas. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 7:30pm ET on ABC.

Fox Sports will have the star minted team of Tim Brando, Devin Gardner, and Josh Sims ready to rumble in Ames for Baylor/Iowa State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 7:30pm ET on FOX.

ESPN will have "The Czar" Taylor Zarzour,  Matt Stinchcomb, and Tori Petry on the call of UCF/Florida. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 7:45pm ET on SEC Network.

ESPN will have boxing pxp expert Brian Custer, Rod Gilmore, and Lauren Sisler on the call of Kansas/Arizona State. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 8pm ET on ESPN2.

ESPN will have the deep baritone, one of the voices of the South Wes Durham, Tom "Lugs" Luginbill, and Dana Boyle on the call of Duke/Georgia Tech. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 8pm ET on ACC Network.

ESPN will have the voice of Giants radio Dave Flemming, “The Abrockalypse” Brock Oswelier, and Sherree Burruss on the call of Miami (FL)/California. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 10:30pm ET on ESPN.

A hustle award will be in effect for Allison Williams. She'll join rising star Connor Onion and Mark Helfrich in Tempe for Texas Tech/Arizona. Kickoff is scheduled Oct 5 at 11pm ET on FOX.

ESPN Radio will have the NESN duo of Dave O'Brien and "Cooperstown" Will Middlebrooks on the call of the Detroit/Houston AL Wild Card Series.

ESPN Radio will have Mike Monaco and "Ruin Town Jr." (Ruben Amaro Jr.) on the call of the Kansas City/Baltimore AL Wild Card Series. 

ESPN Radio will have Mike Couzens and 2005 NLDS Walk-Off Champion Chris Burke on the call of the Milwaukee NL Wild Card Series.

ESPN Radio will have Roxy Bernstein and "The Otter" Gregg Olson on the call of the San Diego NL Wild Card Series. 

Compass Media will have Bill Rosinski and Merril Hoge on the call Sunday for Packers/Rams.

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