Friday, July 17, 2020

2020 MLB Summer Camp Live US National TV Schedule

Opening Day is less than a week away, and MLB "Summer Camp" games will be aired every day leading up to the action. Here's the upcoming national TV schedule for MLB Summer Camp.

Saturday, July 18
7 PM- New York Mets at New York Yankees 
ESPN2: Karl Ravech, Eduardo Pérez 

7 PM- Cleveland Indians at Pittsburgh Pirates 
MLB: Greg Brown, Michael McKenry, Robby Incmikoski

Sunday, July 19
7 PM- New York Mets at New York Yankees 
MLB: Michael Kay, David Cone, Meredith Marakovits 

8 PM- Chicago White Sox at Chicago Cubs 
ESPN: Jon Sciambi, Chipper Jones, Rick Sutcliffe 

Monday, July 20
6 PM- Philadelphia Phillies at New York Yankees 
MLB: Michael Kay, David Cone, Meredith Marakovits 

9 PM- Los Angeles Angels at San Diego Padres 
MLB: Don Orsillo, Mark Grant, Bob Scanlan, Annie Heilbrunn

Tuesday, July 21
2 PM- Houston Astros at Kansas City Royals 
MLB: Ryan Lefebvre, Rex Hudler, Jeff Montgomery, Josh Vernier

8 PM- Colorado Rockies at Texas Rangers 
MLB: Dave Raymond, C.J. Nitkowski, Emily Jones 

Wednesday, July 22
8 PM- Minnesota Twins at Chicago Cubs
MLB: Len Kasper, Jim Deshaies, Taylor McGregor 

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