Monday, July 29, 2024

Olympic News and Notes by Rudy Martzke (July 26-July 28)


Worst Timing Award: NBC/Peacock’s Kelly Clarkson's reactions to the Opening Ceremony are genuine, but her constant cut-ins in the middle of performances keep viewers from feeling the atmosphere being portrayed.

Best move: NBC showing the first hour commercial free. It allows Americans to feel the atmosphere. However they need to expand it to cover the entire ceremony so that important reveals during the show aren't missed.

NBC/Peacock’s Payton Manning's summaries of the various athletes have been solid, though at times seemed to be a little tedious.

Top interview: NBC/Peacock’s Andrea Joyce conducting a stellar interview with part of the US Diving team. Joyce is always prepared and asks the perfect questions.

Top analysis: NBC/Peacock's Amy Van Dyken sharing that a 10-lane pool provides 2 advantages. 1) It helps prevent runoffs and 2) It provides an extra lane for waves to go to, which decreases turbulence while swimming and leads to faster times.

Funniest comment: During Australia/Spain CNBC's Bob Fitzgerald, after talking about basketball players growth spurts w/ Robbie Hummel quipped, "Why are you looking at me after talking about growth spurts? I've been waiting for it. It never came!"

While NBC's coverage remains its stellar self, the network  needs to add a What's Airing on Other Networks bug. It would be extremely useful as it's the only notification viewers would have when schedules change because of event delays unless they're watching a certain channel.

Top analysis: NBC/Peacock's Dain Blanton pointing out that ball control is essential in Beach Volleyball, but it's even more of a necessity when it's sprinkling because the ball and the sand become slick and cause more carries and double contacts.

Dreaded Glitch Award: The rain continues to cause havoc for NBC's broadcast. On cycling Steve Schlanger threw the broadcast to reporter Steve Porino. While video worked fine, unless you could read lips you were unable to get the report. Neither the audio not subtitles worked.

Top call: NBC/Peacock's Chris Marlowe, "Beach Volleyball is very complex. You only get 1 timeout per set. Use it too early and you're forced to generate your own energy on long rallies. It often leaves teams floundering. 8-0 Cuba run against the US."

Best line: NBC's Kenny Albert, after sharing Vivian Sevenich nickname, "It's the wrecking ball. She's wrecking the Hungarians dream and puts the Dutch up by 2."

Funniest exchange: 
NBC/Peacock's Salima Rockwell: "These players need to let it go." 
Paul Sunderland, "What's that song? Let it Go! Let it Go!" 
Kevin Barnett quipped, "Are you cold? Here we are on the first match and Paul's broken out Frozen!"

Top info: NBC’s Kenny Albert telling viewers that a player that is fouled doesn’t have to take the penalty shot. Albert keenly aware that viewers may watch Water Polo every 4 years or a novice viewer.

Top nugget: NBC’s Kenny Albert telling viewers this is the first time since 2008 that the Greece Women’s Water Polo team has been in the Olympics.

Best info: NBC’s Kenny Albert noting that 11 of the 13 players on the Women’s Water Polo team are from the state of California.

Funniest line: NBC’s Kenny Albert, after a shot of First Lady Jill Biden is taking pictures with Flavor Flav, “You never know who might be getting together for the Olympic games.”

NBC’s Dan Hicks and Rowdy Gaines are the gold standard in calling swimming.

Best info: NBC’s Rowdy Gaines telling viewers that all 3 medals winners from M 400m will have all new medal winners as all 3 medal winners didn’t return.

NBC, with all the stars attending the Olympics, should add a little tune from the old game show, “Match Game,” theme song when production pans the stars in attendance. 
ESPN used it during the NBA Finals many years ago but stopped. It had a vintage feel to it.

Top analysis: NBC’s Rowdy Gaines sharing that Olympic swimming isn't always about breaking a record, because eventually you'll lose that record. Your goal is to go for the Gold, because as long as you're clean you'll never lose that. It'll always be recorded in history.

Top Stat: NBC/Peacock's Dan Hicks sharing that no female swimmer has ever won the gold medal 3 times in the Women's 400m Freestyle because younger swimmers are always pushing the older swimmers aside, usually never allowing them to compete for 3 straight.

NBC is doing viewers a great service by not cramming features to viewers. The highlights and live look-ins thus far is perfect. Taped features tend to make viewers to look at over channels or take breaks.

Top analysis: NBC's Rowdy Gaines sharing that while most countries have some culture shock swimming in front of 14-15,000 fans at the Olympics, the Americans tend to be more relaxed because they swim in front of 21-22,000 fans during US qualifying.

Top analysis: NBC Rowdy Gaines noting while 10 lanes is an advantage if you're in lane 1 or 8, the more turbulent waves in middle are slowing overall times by about 2 seconds on longer races. The 50 & 100m distances have best advantage of breaking records if this trend continues

Top analysis: NBC's Dan Hicks sharing that the last thing you want to do in a swimming rivalry is provide your rival motivation material. However a recorded message from Michael Phelps on the cowbell comments are serving to motivate Americans as they watch it daily for motivation.

Top stat: NBC's Dan Hicks noting while winning 8 medals is impressive for any Olympian, it is even more impressive when one individual has won 8 gold medals across 8 competitions. Caeleb Dressel might not catch Michael Phelps overall count, but he's showing a love for the sport.

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade sharing that the rim being further back in International Play than a NBA rim serves as a disadvantage to most NBA players because they tend to jump earlier and end up spraining ankles because they have further to go than they're used to.

Funniest exchange: NBC's Noah Eagle & Dwyane Wade on whether Giannis ate 50 nuggets from McDonalds or Chick-fil-A.  After learning Noah was right about it being Chick-fil-A Noah quipped, "You know what would have been better? If we'd both been wrong and it had been 50 nuggets from Popeyes.”

Best call: NBC's Noah Eagle, "Greece whips it back. It's Giannis. Super-Man straight down the lane. Greece is right back in this game."

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade noting while NBA defenders may be superior, the international game is more competitive because officials don't make as many calls when players are transitioning. Shooting fouls are the same, but the intricacies between change how someone is used to playing.

Top exchange: NBC's Noah Eagle, "Cool as a cucumber, Alexander silences the crowd. 4-point Canadian lead."
Wade replied, "In the words of Stuart Scott Cool is the other side of the pillow. He's just so smooth bro."

Say what?: Bally Sports Southeast's Jeff Francouer told viewers that Braves pitcher Spencer Schwellenbach has an ERA over 11 in the 5th inning. The score was 3-0 in the bottom of the 5th inning. Braves lead.

Top analysis: NBC's Chris Marlowe, "Sometimes being the host at the Olympics backfires. Because you're guaranteed a spot you don't have qualifying in every event. It means you miss out on some valuable bonding time."

Top analysis: NBC's Dain Blanton, "Being a coach in Beach Volleyball doesn't mean you develop skills. Instead you work with the players on settling nerves."

Top analysis: NBC's Jason Knapp, "There's a careful balance needed on swimming qualifying distances. A good sprint may guarantee you move on, but it's also a risk because it could cause you to have no energy for later rounds."

Top observation: NBC's Amy Van Dyken, "When you're the home athlete you not only hear the crowd underwater. You literally feel the cheers as waves underwater. It often leads to monumental performances."

Top analysis: NBC's Ryan Sheckler, "When you're an injury replacement at the Olympics you're always glad to get an opportunity to preform. The disadvantage is you find yourself on the hotseat and are forced to take more risks to have any chance of advancing."

Top analysis: NBC's Kevin Barnett, pointing out, "The most underused move in women's volleyball is the overhand set. It gets the ball to its apex faster and allows for easier kills because it's unexpected."

Top info: NBC's Steve Schlanger, telling viewers, “The Olympics have made a change for this Olympics. In 2021 the Swiss swept the podium, but now each country is only allowed 2 athletes in the mountain bike. It's now physically impossible to have 1 country sweep."

Top analysis: NBC's Bob Roll, "Mountain Biking is always flexible to change because there's only 1 feed zone to change bikes or have maintenance. If you have any wheel problems and are forced to carry your bike, it costs a lot of time and leads to massive changes."

Best line: NBC's Bob Roll, "You'd think someone with a minute lead might slow it down being a minute plus ahead, but the reality is you go the pace you're comfortable with. You often don't slow down until the finish line because you feel comfortable and safe."

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo, "In water polo you want to have experienced teams. It is important to have youth for the future, but at least half of your team should be veterans because they know what to expect and provide you the best chance to medal."

Best Timing Award: Right after NBC's Tony Azevedo talked about how veterans in water polo know how to draw exclusions the US drew two exclusions back-to-back to go up 1-0.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo, "The way you become the top goalie in the world is you always keep your eye on the ball. You never try to guess where an attacker might come from. You instead focus on keeping it in front of you at all times."

Best analysis: NBC’s Kenny Albert once again is doing a terrific job explaining why there's so many common whistles & how the shot clock influences a water polo game because it's only 30 seconds. It's basic knowledge that helps viewers enjoy the game instead of making them feel lost.

Top info: NBC's Kenny Albert noted most teams get ahead in water polo because turnovers keep your defense from getting into position and allow opponents easier scoring opportunities. He also shared that most teams average 2 turnovers per match, but the US already had 3, leading to a 4-1 deficit

Kenny Albert is showing a finesse that takes years for broadcasters to achieve. He's letting his analysts tell the story while providing the necessary background and goals. It's a craft anyone wanting to broadcast sports should watch carefully.

Top Analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo pointed out that what gives Italy an unexpected advantage is they have a left handed center. Goalkeepers are used to facing shots from the right, so a left handed center gives them attacks that they aren't used to.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo noting that you should always be aware of how much time is left on an exclusion. Failure to do so usually leads to a turnover because you get stripped from behind, and it leads to scoring at other end. It's all a part of the experience needed in International Play

Kenny Albert, with what goes on under the water, sets up Tony Azevedo perfectly to tell viewers what factors into play. He explains underwater is where you try to grab opponents suit & keep them getting up to shoot. It's the unseen sportsmanship that determines the best players.

Humble Award: NBC’s Dwyane Wade, acknowledging using “we” and “us” is absolutely forgivable. Wade played on three Olympic team and had no need to apologize. Wade is doing a stellar job and will be a top analyst next season.

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade sharing that most US slow starts aren't just because of fouls not being called in transition, but they're also influenced by each crowds unique reaction causing shot tempos to feel different.

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade sharing most teams that struggle in international play do so because they don't have a veteran leadership available to help them adjust to international crowds.

Top stat: NBC's Noah Eagle sharing that the oldest American to win basketball gold was Larry Bird at 35. However the 2024 US team has 3 Americans older than Bird was.

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade pointing out that when you play man-to-man instead of zone in the Olympics you're a lot prone to leave open passing lanes, leading to easy transition 3's.

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade stating what makes most International teams successful is you have one or two stars in the starting team, but the remainder of the team is equally balanced so anyone can attack at any time.

Top reporting: NBC's Noah Eagle sharing that one of Coach K's requirements to make the US team was to leave your ego at the door. Steve Kerr has fully embraced this philosophy with all his selections.

Top analysis: NBC's Michael Phelps sharing what makes France's Léon Marchand so dangerous is he has increased the IM underwater distance from 60-65 meters to nearly 90 meters, something the other swimmers simply can't keep up with.

Top stat: NBC's Dan Hicks sharing that Carson Foster's bronze in the 400m IM means that male American swimmers have medaled in swimming in 10 straight Olympics.

Best Timing Award: NBC's Rowdy Gaines shared out that if there's one thing Huske does better than Walsh, it is closing out the race moments before Huske passed Walsh to win the gold by .04 seconds over Walsh.

Top analysis: NBC's Rowdy Gaines sharing that you might be the best world, but sometimes the adrenaline from competing in a relay can leave you wiped out the next day and cause you to miss your event final if your semi is then.

Top reporting: NBC's Dan Hicks shared how Erin Gemmel once dressed up as Katie Ledecky for Halloween. However she now has little kids dressing up as her even though she's only 19.

Funniest line: NBC's John Roethlisberger, "Gymnastics scoring is the equivalent of calculus, but let's try and keep it simple. Here's the basics."

NBC’s Terry Gannon continues to still be one of the best play by play broadcasters in the business. Gannon seamlessly sets up his analysts to gleam. There's no better broadcaster for gymnastics than Gannon.

Best line: NBC’s John Roethlisburger, on Simone Biles, “6 year olds dress up as Captain Marvel for Halloween. Well Captain Marvel dresses up as Simone Biles. She continues to go out and perform mechanics no one else in the world can do."

Top analysis: NBC's Dwyane Wade pointing out that while the first 8 minutes are important, the most important time to contain yourself and use momentum is in the final 2 minutes of a quarter because it forces the other team into more turnovers.

Top reporting: NBC's Noah Eagle pointed out that 6 seconds in international basketball is an eternity for NBA Players because 1) the court is only 92 feet instead of 94 and 2) the 3-point line is closer, meaning defenders have to crunch up a little closer than they'd like.

Funniest line: NBC's Noah Eagle, "Serbia breaks out the ić Bros to start the second half: Jokić, Dobrić, Bogdanović, and Avramović. Petrušev has to feel like the lone man out."

Top call: NBC's Noah Eagle, "Serbia twice has come out with a fury and 10-2 starts in each half, but the Americans presence has forcibly contained the Serbians and contained them pushing their lead further up with the goal of being comfortable in the 4th Quarter."

Top exchange: Noah Eagle, "It's Captain America! The flag bearer, LeBron James, has taken this arena by storm. 18 points on 8/9 shooting for the 39-year old."
Wade: "What do they call that, a locomotive? That's what that is."
Eagle: "Put the head down. Don't get in the way."

Top production: NBC's underwater cameras showed the full .02 second difference between the Gold Medal and 2 Silver Medal winners during the 100m Breaststroke. It was a shot for the ages that no one else has because it's underwater.

Top info: NBCs John Roethlisberger noting roughly 36 people compete for right to advance to All-Around title in gymnastics. However there's a cap of 2 per team. The top 20 qualify, but there's usually at least 1 or 2 present that should be competing that simply can't because of the rules.

Top info: NBC's Zora Stephenson noted 3 US gymnasts competed in college early in year. Afterwards Samantha Peszek stated, “College athletics now helps protect these gymnasts with added coaches & fuels their love for the game." Terry Gannon replies, "I'm sure the NIL money doesn't hurt either”

Top analysis: NBC's Samantha Peszek shared that judges make a huge difference in gymnastics outcomes because they are carefully studying the elongation of each gymnast. The tenth point deductions from those often determine who makes the podium and who misses out.

Best Cross promotion: NBC's Terry Gannon, after sharing the celebrities in the stand, "Arianna Grande, one of the stars of the upcoming Wicked, watching the US gymnastics. And just like she sings, these US gymnasts are fulfilling her wish by defying gravity."

Top analysis: NBC's Terry Gannon reminds viewers, "Unlike Figure Skating, Gymnastics qualifying scores don't carry over to the Finals. You have to hope you can repeat your performances, but there's no guarantee it will occur."

Top observation: NBC's Noah Eagle, "It's LeBron, on the rim. His experience in FIBA lets him know you can play on the rim, something that would be goaltending in the NBA."

Funniest comment: NBC's Amy Dyken, "People should have never let us know they hated the US cowbells. Now we have a desire to act like a little brother and use it to antagonize the older sibling. We always have to be present." 

Say what?: After a beach volleyball match concluded early, E! decided to do a feature on the nails of various athletes and discuss how there is a nail salon in the Olympic Village that all athletes can go to and get custom jobs. 

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