Monday, August 5, 2024

Olympic News and Notes (August 1-4) and Early Season Fox NFL Assignments by Rudy Martzke


Fox Sports will have Kevin Burkhardt, Tom Brady, Erin Andrews, and Tom Rinaldi on the call of Saints/Cowboys in Week 2. The group will then have Ravens/Cowboys on Week 3 and Rams/Bears on Week 4.

Fox Sports will have the voice of MLB Joe Davis, Greg Olsen, and Pam Oliver on the call of Colts/Packers in Week 2. The trio will then have Eagles/Saints on Week 3 and Patriots/49ers on Week 4.

Fox Sports will have ever rising star Adam Amin, Mark “Sanchize” Sanchez, and Kristina Pink on the call of Rams/Cardinals in Week 2. The trio will then have 49ers/Rams on Week 3 and Eagles/Bucs on Week 4.

Fox Sports will have the top NHL broadcaster Kenny Albert, Jonathan Vilma, and Megan Olivi on the call of Seahawks/Patriots on Week 2. The trio will then Giants/Browns on Week 3 and Saints/Falcons on Week 4.

Fox Sports will have multi-sport star Kevin Kugler, Daryl "Moose" Johnston, and Laura Okmin on the call of Bucs/Lions in Week 2. The trio will then have Packers/Titans on Week 3 and Bengals/Panthers on Week 4.

Fox Sports will have the best interviewer in the business Chris Myers, Mark "Stink" Schlereth, and Jen Hale on the call of Giants/Commanders in Week 2. The trio will then have Lions/Cardinals on Week 3 and Commanders/Cardinals on Week 4.

Fox Sports will feature Big Ten voices in Week 3 as Jason Benetti, Matt Millen, and Sarah Kustok head south to cover Broncos/Bucs.

Funniest line: NBC's Kyle Montgomery, "These Gangaroos have some quick swapping and flipping. Looks like they've had some of grandma's home cooking."

Top analysis: NBC's Kyle Montgomery shared that turnovers are a bigger factor in 3x3 because each possession is worth 1-2 points. When you have 9 T.O.'s in a 1-point game, it is likely the determining difference.

Top cross over: NBC's Kyle Montgomery, "That block looked like a spike in volleyball. It slammed the ball to the ground and knocked in out of bounds."

Top production: NBC made sure to share how US athletes from other sports are supporting each other. At the Women's 3x3 game they showed both LeBron James and KD attended on their off day.

Top analysis: NBC's Kyle Montgomery shared that because cohesion is such an essential necessity in 3x3, an injury a month out of the Olympics makes it where your replacement doesn't have time to gel and leads to a bunch of close losses.

Top feature: Each morning USA Network runs a feature called Highlights from Around the World. The entire segment focuses on non-US countries headlines about the Olympics.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo shared you don't see many lobs to the center in water polo because it creates steal opportunities. Instead quick passes are used to create confusion.

Top stat: NBC's Kenny Albert shared that USA and Greece combined for 0 power play goals in the 1st Half, something unheard of in water polo.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo easily explained to viewers that while athletes getting exclusions aren't rare in water polo, one player getting two means you need to set them out temporarily so they don't get DQ'd.

Top stat: NBC's Kenny Albert shared that if any player gets 3 exclusions in water polo, they are not eligible to take a shot in a penalty shootout.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo shared most missed shots in water polo don't occur because of outstanding defense. They occur because most players overthink the shot and tend to rush it instead of setting up the attack.

Top analysis: NBC's Tony Azevedo shared when you realize you aren't going to make a shot, it's better to throw the ball away, also called a dump, so you can get back on D and avoid a fastbreak.

NBC's Bill Spaulding explained how racewalking is different than traditional Track & Field. After sharing how judges give red cards as a warning and the penalties associated, Bill quipped, "The 2 minute penalty for getting 3 red cards is as good as as the 4 DQ. It's impossible to overcome."

Top stat: NBC's Tony Simeone shared that i field hockey the US and Great Britain equaled their total goals for each of their earlier group matches in the 1st Half (3 and 2).

Top information: NBC's Tony Simeone, realizing many fans are only familiar with the NHL, shared a big difference between field hockey and the NHL is power plays don't expire when a goal is scored. The man advantage is guaranteed for the entire time.

Top analysis: NBC's Suzanne Bush shared that in field hockey if you focus on attacking to get as many score opportunities as possible, it tends to lead your opposition to 1 or 2 fastbreaks that place you behind.

Top analysis: ESPN's Troy Aikman shared the rule change coaches are enjoying the most this offseason is the new kickoff rules. Most coaches feel it puts the unpredictability back in returns.

Best analysis: NBCs Rowdy Gaines told viewers the biggest key in the backstroke is your tempo. Providing a consistent speed always pushes someone to the lead simply because others can't do that pace. Gaines continues to point out the fine nuisances that make him the best.

Top reporting: NBC's Melissa Stark interviewed American Regan Smith after his silver medal swim, and Smith shared she's focused on having a positive attitude every swim and not being disappointed in the outcome. She knows she's done her best.

Top info: NBC's Terry Gannon shared what makes Biles journey in the All-Around competition is because she's trying to become the first individual to win 2 All-Around golds at the Olympics without it being back-to-back.

Top analysis: NBC's Samantha Peszek shared what often leads to point deductions at the uneven bars is solely holding onto the bars slightly too long. Mistiming is the great equalizer.

Top analysis: NBC's Samantha Peszek shared what makes Suni Lee so dangerous is she always seems to rise up with her best scores whenever she gets the most pressure.

Funniest callout: ESPN's SVP called out Jason Kelce for choosing to wear a beret hat during his ESPN debut because it doesn't look fashionable.

Top analysis: NBC's Samantha Peszek told viewers gymnastics vaults are difficult to judge equally because there's 2 approaches: 1) Filled with big moves or 2) smooth and connected. Judges view both methods very differently.

Top analysis: NBC's Samantha Peszek shared the key to being successful on the beam is land with bent knees. Landing with straight knees leads to unbalanced landings and causes most falls.

Top analysis: NBC's Shannon Rowbury shared that some athletes seem rusty in early races because it has been a minimum of 5 weeks since most of them participated in Olympic Trials.

Top analysis: NBC's Bill Spaulding shared that a key to being successful in the men's 1500m is to feel comfortable in your race position. It doesn't matter how slow your start is as long as you feel comfortable because it allows you to explode at the end.

Top analysis: NBC's Darrell Hill shared most faults on a 3rd long jump occur because athletes try to feel comfortable while jumping if they've had earlier faults, and it causes them to either jump short or sail out of bounds.

Top reporting: NBC's Bill Spaulding has done an excellent job explaining how races above 100m (up to 1500m) now no longer have lucky loser times advance. These Olympics have added repechage races, an extra race where everyone not in automatic qualifying spots gets another chance.

Funniest line: NBC's Bill Spaulding, "The US's Rudy Winkler is on a see food diet. If he sees the food, he eats the food. Very useful for building up energy for the hammer throw."

Top analysis: NBC's Shannon Rowbury shared that the Olympics is the perfect place for a farewell tour. Jamaica's Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce is in her 4th games, is a medal favorite, and she's announced this will be her last event solely because time catches up with everyone.

Top reporting: NBC's Krista Blunk shared one thing in 3x3 basketball is it's very mental. Players frequently change, but when you represent your home country and know you've never beaten your next opponent, it provides an extra hurdle to overcome.

Top reporting: NBC's Bob Fitzgerald shared that in the Olympics experienced teams dominate the final 2 minutes. However when it's 2 teams that aren't as solid, the question becomes can either team pull away.

Funniest line: NBC's Bob Fitzgerald, "Have you ever put on a suit you haven't worn in a couple of months, and all of the sudden there's $40 in the pocket? That summarizes Greece basketball. They average in the 70's, but today they have 50 in the 1st Half."

Top analysis: NBC's Kevin Wong shared one of the keys to successful beach volleyball is recognizing when to hit into a soft block. Doing so gives you a reset and oftentimes a kill will follow.

Top analysis: NBC's Kevin Wong pointed out the disadvantage to losing a long rally is twofold. It makes you feel like you've given up 2 points, and it tires out your body faster.

Top analysis: NBC's Kevin Wong told viewers that taking an extra step in beach volleyball is sometimes necessary when playing top ranked teams because it throws off the timing the opponent is used to.

Top analysis: NBC's Kevin Wong noted when you're playing top ranked teams it's not shocking to start rushing when you fall behind. However the key to prevail is remain patient. It keeps you relaxed and allows more scoring opportunities.

Top analysis: NBC's Chris Marlowe told viewers that long tenured beach volleyball teams have more success because they've literally become siblings and know what to say to calm their teammate down.

Top analysis: NBC's Laurie Hernandez shared that in trampoline, unlike other gymnastics events, only your top score of 2 runs counts. The scores are not combined, so you always have to debate to go high risk or play it safe on the mandatory second run.

Top analysis: NBC's Amy Van Dyken shared a team exchange rule in qualifying that must always be watched is while your body can be over the incoming swimmer, your feet cannot. They must remain firmly intact to the platform until the previous lap is comp.

Top analysis: NBC's Steve Schlanger shared that in a road race you are delicately playing a game of chicken where the slightest wrong move leaves you a deficit that can't be overcome.

ESPN’s Hall of Fame enshrinement ceremony certainly feels different. Viewers dearly miss the late Chris Mortensen on its coverage.

Best analysis: NBC’s Rowdy Gaines explained the disqualification of Alex Walsh.  Gaines noted her head goes vertical before her hand touched the wall. It’s like you can’t start rolling on your stomach until your hand touches the wall. Walsh had won the Bronze in the Women’s 200 IM Final

Top analysis: NBC's Darrell Hill shared most hammer throw throws come up short on the 1st throw because athletes are nervous about being in the spotlight. Nerves are the biggest hindrance to throws. They increase as the athletes get more comfortable.

Top analysis: NBC's Shannon Rowbury shared in the steeple chase it's not unusual to see a lot of Africans lead the pack because they tend to sprint out to the lead in the first 2 laps and then match the pace of the pack to keep their lead for the remaining distance.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that the key to rings comes down to the dismount. Most routines are fairly even, so the tenths on the landing usually determine the victors.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that while most meets don't notice small mistakes, at the Olympics they have a full panel whose main goal is to find the tenth deductions, making it a harder event to win.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that on the rings most athletes will open up their hold to show that their strength is keeping them up there and to help avoid tenth deductions.

Best reference: NBC's Rich Lerner, "If Yang can hold on to win back-to-back golds in the rings, since this isn't copyrighted, he could be called the Lord of the Rings."

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that rings is such a difficult event that the common eye cannot see the tenth deductions that judges come up with.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared in the event of a tie, it is the execution score that serves as a tiebreaker, meaning you can't have a tied position in the Olympics.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that rings has evolved. It used to be a trapeze event like we see at the circus or in movies, but now it is almost fully an upper strength competition.

Top analysis: NBC's Tyler Spring shared that in bars the longer your arms are, the harder it is to leverage your position making it overall more impressive but easier to spot deductions.

Top stat: NBC's Rich Lerner shared that Eleftherios Petrounias of Greece is the first gymnast ever to win 3 Olympic medals on the rings. History making performances should always be acknowledged, regardless of the position (bronze) overall.

Top analysis: NBC's Laurie Hernandez shared that on uneven bars it is often your start value difficulty that determines final results. You could be perfect in your transitions, but that start value places you behind from the start.

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